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Nude Art Exhibition 2024

I am so grateful to have been invited to show my works and join Tantawan's event at Waves Artisans Society Chiang Mai Thailand and will be shown there for a couple of weeks.

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudor By Ya

I have brought my print black Nude Art shots mostly but still some Asia exotic come along as I have loved this theme since., If you guys visit Chiang Mai please stop by Waves Artisans Society Wailai road Chiang Mai.

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Damian Johnston was an amazing artistic organizer who was a very well-experienced event organizer in Chiang Mai, He made sure everything went right very professionally.

Nude art exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

How amazing that women are very open-minded to like love and are passionate about nude photos from my art, they are very interested and seem excited to look at and be concerned about all of my art, some of them were very surprised and thought the photographer must be a man but realized it was me and the photos have made them feel even more comfortable and wanted to get some sessions in the future as well.

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Most of the photos on the projector were also recent works at The NoWhere Art my projects also workshops have happened a few times at my place indoors and a lot of outdoor shoots as you know I love the outdoors because it sho a challenge to create good art with all conditions.

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya
Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

Nude Art Exhibition
Boudoir By Ya

I am totally happy especially since all women love my work! of course, men are always... who doesn't like nude photos? no doubt about that ;)

Come to visit my show there then come visit The NoWhere Art studio either come for a visit or photo session or stay over as I built for rent for photographers and anyone that wants to escape to NoWhere to rest their mind and reconnect with themselves.

Thank you



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