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A Beauty of Asia Woman

This photo book is a collection of my Asia Exotic photography from both my personal projects and workshops I had organized in Thailand for participants to come and work together.

Because I am a Boudoir and Nude photographer, people are surprised to learn that I actually have a very conservative side to my personality. I grew up an only child in a conservative family in Chiang Mai in the north of Thailand. My Mother was very strict and taught me to respect the traditional values of our local culture. My Mother was a very beautiful woman and loved, respected, and admired Thai women. She was fashionable and took great care in wearing traditional clothes particularly when visiting Buddhist temples. She would always take me with her and it was through her that I learned to appreciate the gracefulness of Thai women. They are forever in my blood.

I have been traveling around the Southeast Asian region collecting images for my Asia Exotic Workshops in Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, and Singapore. Inside the book I describe the process of how I find and contact the models in these countries, how to set up and create themes, how to make models you have never met before feel comfortable, how to find make-up artists, and how to market your workshop to find participants to come and join.

I will also give tips and strategies for photographers, but these might be useful for non-photographers, too.

You can read for more stories and photos with 100 pages in this book:

Asia Exotic Traditional volume 1:

Every woman culture of every countries are so beautiful in different ways I believe you will like this book

Thank you



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